Vision, Mission and Values
Our vision is to make each Member Board’s District, coastal zone and watershed catchment area a safer place to live, work, learn, grow and have fun; as a model of sustainable living in a high flood risk area.
We aim to:
- Reduce the risk to people, property, infrastructure and the natural environment by providing and maintaining technically, environmentally and economically sustainable flood, water resource and coastal defences within our coastal zones and watershed catchment areas.
- Be the local delivery partner of choice for all flood, water resource and coastal risk management services in our coastal zones and watershed catchment areas, by working closely with other Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Authorities, partners and stakeholders.
- Enable and facilitate land use for residential, commercial, recreational and environmental purposes in our coastal zones and watershed catchment areas, by guiding and regulating activities that would otherwise increase flood, drought or coastal erosion risk.
- Nurture, enhance and maintain the natural habitats and species which exist in and alongside watercourses and other flood, water resource and coastal risk management infrastructure in our coastal zones and watershed catchment areas.
- It is important to explicitly define the core principles and values from which we develop our culture, our brand, and our business strategies:
- We will endeavour to work by our ten core principles with prudence (wisdom, foresight, reason, knowledge and judgement), justice (fairness and impartiality), temperance (self-control, restraint, moderation and humility) and courage (fortitude, forbearance, strength, endurance, resolution and the ability to confront fear, uncertainty and intimidation).
- This is our code that we hope defines the very essence of who we are and how we aspire to operate as a group.