About our members
What do we do?
Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs) are the only organisations in existence whose core function and reason for being is to actually reduce flood risk and drought within their areas of special drainage need, and to help facilitate sustainable economic development across their watershed catchment areas. IDBs do this by proactively managing water levels, surface water run-off and regulating development every day, and, by delivering and facilitating work programmes.
What are our priorities and aspirations?
We aspire to be the water level management experts in our Drainage Districts: we aim to be the local delivery partner of choice for all flood and coastal erosion risk management services in our coastal zones and watershed catchment areas, by working closely with other Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Authorities, partners and stakeholders. For more information, please check-out our Vision, Mission and Values webpage.
How are we accountable?
We are democratically accountable to those that pay for the service in our respective Drainage Districts. All money that we raise from each Drainage District is spent actually doing work that benefits the Drainage District, other than the precept we pay to the Environment Agency – we simply have no idea what this money is used for, but we have to pay it by law nonetheless. Elections for membership of Internal Drainage Boards are held every 3 years, so if you’re not happy with our performance you have the opportunity to do something about it; either by exercising your vote as a drainage ratepayer or standing for election yourself.
How do I get more information?
For more information please check out the web pages of any Member Board in the Alliance and watch our short video (approximately 3 minutes). You can also contact the central office or any of our Board members for further information (contact details for our Board Members can be obtained from the ‘Board Members’ webpages). Please also check out our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.